July 23, 2011

biology TRIVIA...

  • A kind of jellyfish (Turritopsis nutricula) upon reaching adulthood can transform itself back to childhood by converting its cells. It may repeat this to live forever.
  • To avoid predators, a mother Slow Loris licks its offspring with poison before sending them off to search for food.
  • The fungus Cordyceps is able to "mind-control" other insects like ants to climb plants and attach there to become its food.
  • Some migratory birds have a "magnetic compass" in their body (a sense called Magnetoreception) to help them navigate using Earth's magnetic field.
  • The biggest egg in the world is the ostrich egg. It could take as many as 30 chicken eggs to equal its volume, and up to 2 hours to hard boil.
  • The catfish father keeps the eggs in his mouth until they are ready to be hatched.
  • The largest frog in the world is The Goliath Frog of Gabon in West Africa and can grow as big as 33cm long and up to 3kg heavy.